Project We are worried about your life

# Carefree

Project of attention to women victims of gender violence

Together with the associations AIVIG and AMAR, the ALMA Association participates in the project developed by the Equality Directorate of the Csif Union in order to train the trade union delegates so that they can locate and assist women who suffer gender violence.


How many women victims of gender violence are being dismissed or have difficulties in exercising their labor rights and are they revictimized? How many of them do not even have the accreditation of a victim because they have not filed the complaint? How many come to report the facts?

All these questions have no answer, there is no data, there is no protection, there is no help. For this reason, CSIF and CEP, in order to favor the adequate treatment of and care for victims in the workplace, took a new step with the campaign CONCERN YOUR LIFE and have decided, in close collaboration with AIVIG, ALMA and LOVE to create the service #nospreocupatuvida, a NEW SERVICE OF SUPPORT TO VICTIMS.
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